2023: The Year in Photos

Professors Genevieve Lee and Melissa Givens perform at Big Bridges in March 2023.

As 2023 comes to a close, 我们回顾了一些由我们的皇冠体育学院的学生使可能的关键时刻和记忆, faculty and staff.

扩展图片:这个学期,南加州给我们校园带来了美丽的秋色. Southern California gifted us beautiful fall colors to campus this semester.

Southern California gifted us beautiful fall colors on campus this semester.

Expand the photo: Ella Moriarty Ella Moriarty

Summer undergraduate research is a staple at Pomona College. 25岁的艾拉·莫里亚蒂与神经科学教授乔纳森·金一起研究了压力的影响.

Expand the photo: Snow Capped Mountains Snow Capped Mountains


放大图片:25岁的克里斯蒂安·洛佩兹是今年进入皇冠体育的转学生之一. He joins the growing community of student veterans on campus. Christian Lopez ’25 is one of the transfer students who entered Pomona this year. He joins the growing community of student veterans on campus.

Christian Lopez ’25 was one of the transfer students who entered Pomona this year. He joined the growing community of student veterans on campus.

Expand the photo: ski beach day 2023 ski beach day 2023

Snow in the morning and sand in the afternoon. 学生们享受一年一度的滑雪海滩日,他们可以在同一天参加冬季运动和海滩之旅.

Expand the photo: Student theatre is a vibrant part of campus life. Pictured here is a production of Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl performed in Seaver Theatre. Student theatre is a vibrant part of campus life. Pictured here is a production of Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl performed in Seaver Theatre.

Student theatre is a vibrant part of campus life. Pictured here is a production of Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl performed in Seaver Theatre.

Expand the photo: Staff at Cafe47 ensure students, faculty and staff stay well caffeinated throughout the academic year. Staff at Cafe47 ensure students, faculty and staff stay well caffeinated throughout the academic year.

Staff at Cafe47 ensured students, faculty and staff stayed well caffeinated through the academic year.

Expand the image: Bridges Auditorium
Bridges Auditorium

Can you find Cecil while he waits for a crowd at Bridges Auditorium?

class of 2027 took their first photo together on Move-In Day in August 2023.

After walking through the College Gates, the class of 2027 took their first photo together on Move-In Day in August.

放大照片:许多萨基夫妇在春天回到克莱蒙特,与他们以前的同学团聚, share moments with faculty and create new memories on campus. 许多萨基恩在春天回到了克莱蒙特,与他们以前的同学团聚, share moments with faculty and create new memories on campus.

Numerous Sagehens returned to Claremont in the spring to reunite with former classmates, share moments with faculty and create new memories on campus.

Expand the photo: Jade Star Lackey Jade Star Lackey

Pomona faculty are constantly making discoveries through their research. 地质学教授Jade Star Lackey今年的研究为落基山脉提供了新的历史.

Expand the photo: A severe windstorm downed trees along Stover Walk in 2022. Pomona’s grounds crew planted new trees in January 2023 to reforest campus. A severe windstorm downed trees along Stover Walk in 2022. Pomona’s grounds crew planted new trees in January 2023 to reforest campus.

A severe windstorm downed trees along Stover Walk in 2022. Pomona’s grounds crew planted new trees in January 2023 to reforest the campus.

放大图片:今年的佩顿讲座欢迎安妮塔·希尔,恰逢家庭周末. An advocate for equality and civil rights, Hill had a conversation with Professor Kyla Wazana Tompkins. This year’s Payton Lecture welcomed Anita Hill and coincided with Family Weekend. An advocate for equality and civil rights, Hill had a conversation with Professor Kyla Wazana Tompkins.

This year’s Payton Lecture welcomed Anita Hill and coincided with Family Weekend. An advocate for equality and civil rights, Hill shared a conversation with Professor Kyla Wazana Tompkins.

放大照片:今年8月,27岁的加比·斯塔夫斯基在搬家日与她的弟弟妹妹们深情告别. 今年8月的搬家日,27岁的加比·斯塔夫斯基与她的弟弟妹妹们深情告别.


扩展照片:塞西尔·萨根设置节日气氛欢迎一年级和转学生皇冠体育在搬家日. 塞西尔·萨吉恩在开学日为皇冠体育大学的一年级和转学生设置了节日气氛.

塞西尔·萨吉恩(Cecil Sagehen)以节日的气氛欢迎皇冠体育大学的一年级和转学生.

Expand the image: 在布里奇斯音乐大厅举行的毕业典礼标志着8月份学年的正式开始.


Expand the image: In the fall, 萨基恩男子越野队在卡莱尔赢得了2023年全国锦标赛, Pennsylvania.
In the fall, 萨基恩男子越野队在卡莱尔赢得了2023年全国锦标赛, Pennsylvania.

In the fall, 萨基恩男子越野队在卡莱尔赢得了2023年全国锦标赛, Pennsylvania.

Expand the photo: Goat yoga may be the GOAT destress event. The CARES Office sponsored the event for students as they ended their spring semester. Goat yoga may be the GOAT destress event. The CARES Office sponsored the event for students as they ended their spring semester.

Goat yoga was the GOAT destress event. The CARES Office sponsored the event for students as they ended the spring semester.

扩展图片:皇冠体育学生在秋季学期第一天上课时充满了活力. Pomona students had great energy on their first day of class of the fall semester.

Pomona students had great energy on the first day of class in August.

展开照片:当Jorge Moreno教授的班级在一个合作艺术项目中参观了蜂巢,通过手工制作的树枝和树叶讲述星系的故事时,艺术遇到了天文学. 当Jorge Moreno教授的班级在一个合作艺术项目中参观了蜂巢,通过手工制作的树枝和树叶讲述星系的故事时,艺术与天文学相遇了.

当Jorge Moreno教授的班级在一个合作艺术项目中参观了蜂巢,通过手工制作的树枝和树叶讲述星系的故事时,艺术与天文学相遇了.

扩大照片:客人们欣赏由民权领袖和皇冠体育学院校友Myrlie Evers-Williams于1968年捐赠的个人收藏品. 客人欣赏由民权领袖和皇冠体育学院校友Myrlie Evers-Williams ' 68捐赠的个人收藏项目.

客人们欣赏着民权领袖Myrlie Evers-Williams 1968年的个人收藏, donated to her alma mater.

Expand the photo: An owl is captured by the lens near Marston Quad in December. An owl is captured by the lens near Marston Quad in December.

An owl captured by the lens near Marston Quad in December.

Expand the photo: Pomona College students take a stroll through campus in the fall. Pomona College students take a stroll through campus in the fall.

Pomona College students enjoyed the campus year-round.

放大照片:学生们在期末考试前休息,和一些毛茸茸的朋友在无障碍资源和服务办公室组织的“暂停爪子”活动中玩耍. 在无障碍资源和服务办公室组织的“暂停爪子”活动中,学生们从期末考试中休息出来,和一些毛茸茸的朋友一起出去玩.


放大图片:12月,皇冠体育学院巴厘岛佳美兰乐团吉里·库苏马在《皇冠体育app》中演出. <a href='http://1564298.dongyvietnam.net'>皇冠体育</a>学院巴厘岛佳美兰乐团吉里·库苏马于12月在《皇冠体育app》演出.




Expand the image: On Mother’s Day, 在皇冠体育学院2023届毕业典礼上,454名大四学生获得了大学文凭.
On Mother’s Day, 在皇冠体育学院2023届毕业典礼上,454名大四学生获得了大学文凭.

On Mother’s Day, 在皇冠体育大学2023届毕业典礼上,454名大四学生获得了大学文凭.